Wednesday, April 1, 2020

"Design And Analysis of Algorithm"

QPPrevious Question Paper

                   "Design And Analysis of Algorithm" 


      Great teachers care about their students. They want them to succeed and are committed to helping them achieve their goals. 

      Investing yourself in your students creates a positive atmosphere in the classroom that enhances your relationship with students and makes them feel important. A student is far more responsive to a teacher who cares, and are therefore more likely to learn and engage. Connecting with your students establishes trust, which is important to the students’ learning because it makes them comfortable enough to participate, ask for help when needed, and pay closer attention to advice and encouragement. Also, students feel better about themselves if they feel that a teacher has taken a genuine interest in them; they are motivated, and stronger self-assurance can make it easier for the student to challenge themselves academically. Especially with younger students, away from their parents and overwhelmed by the commotion of the classroom, a caring teacher is comforting and helps make the transition easier.


         Teach Public Schools will reach students of all backgrounds by teaching the entire child which includes the social, physical, emotional and intellectual needs of the student.  Upon graduation, the knowledge and the experiences acquired at our schools will be effectively applied to their daily life.



"Committed to providing quality Education "

             The mission of Teaching profession is to create a high quality,  innovative teaching and learning environment that focuses on literacy; integrating state-of-the-art technologies across the core curriculum to achieve academic proficiency for all students.

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